To outline the rationale for the Council to
accept £425,000 of pre-awarded grant funding from the
National Lottery Reaching Community Fund. This funding will finance
the delivery of the Council’s Swift: Enabling Sustainable
Migrant Communities in North Yorkshire project. The project will be
delivered for migrant communities across North Yorkshire and thus
falls within the key decision criteria. Corporate agreement is
needed before a formal grant agreement can be entered into with the
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/01/2025
Decision due: 7 Mar 2025 by Assistant Director - Resources (Resources Management Team)
Lead member: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Lead director: Assistant Chief Executive - Local Engagement
Contact: Marie-Ann Jackson Email: Email:
Consultation process
Informal – via MS Teams meetings and
information sharing
Localities Migrant Programmes Team (Matthew
Joseph and Lucy Moss-Blundell)
Legal and Procurement Officers (Maria Hill, Rachel Woodward and
Katie Longstaff)
Finance Officers (Nick Morgan and Karen Iveson)